God Hates XXX

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Towelheads Execute Perverts and Harlots, Why Don’t We?

osama.gifIf there is one thing that perplexes me to this day it is how the mooslims ended up with all the Godly laws and punishments, that they freely dole out on the vile sinners, and how America ended up being a bunch of sissies that allow the filthy smut peddlers to run around freely with their sinful parts and organs exposed on every street corner in front of our Godly churches and families?

Think about it for a moment.... the towelheads aren't Saved AT ALL -- they are certainly going to burn in eternal damnation for worshiping that allah devil, or whatever they call their demonic gods. It's a shame because they have been putting our Godly Christian Nation to shame with all of the righteous punishments they have over there for the sinners! Even though The Lord is going to be sending them to hell, I'm certain that their spot in hell isn't going to be as hot as the one He has set up for the liebrals and demoncrats. I mean... The Lord has to be pleased just a little bit with their war on smut over there in camel country, no?

I know that a post like this is going to ruffle some Godly Conservatives out there, but friends, my job here is to speak the truth. The Lord isn't happy that we've tossed the Bible in favor of the liebral nonsense we are cursed with in this nation.

Our Holy Bible has all of the same punishments for perverts, homersexuralists and harlots as they practice over in the kingdoms of sand, and they don't even have the Holy Bible over there, what gives with that???

There was a time though, when our Godly Christian Nation was founded, that we did punish the sinners swift and harsh -- why can't we get back to the days of 1620?